Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Effective, Easy and Free Coaching

Career Coach. Life Coach. Business Coach. Executive Coach. 

Coaching is effective; studies show that coaching has a 500% return on investment. When working with a career coach, your self-confidence increases by 52%. How do you gain the benefits of career coaching or life coaching if your budget can't afford $150 or $250/session?

Step 1: Decide if coaching is right for you by asking yourself this question:
Do I want to change my life/career/health?

Step 2: Identify coachable goal(s) to create results
Do you want a new job?
Do you want to lose weight?
Want to make more money?
What about being happier?
Adding to your net worth?

Step 3: Write down 10-15 questions that directly correlate to your coachable goal(s).
Here are some example questions:
On a scale of 1-10, how happy was I today?
Did I eat healthy & balanced today?
What did I do to move my job search forward today?

Step 4: Find a friend, peer, colleague to be your peer coach.
Have your peer coach do Steps 1-3.

Step 5: Set a time to do your peer coaching calls every day, seven days a week.

Make a commitment to each other and peer coach, at the same time each day, for at least 30 days. At the end of 30 days, get together for a results and recognition session. Track your progress throughout the coaching month and celebrate the success each of you has made. Recognize your peer coach for the work they've done with you, and thank each other for coaching you to success.

Have good results? Go for 60 days this time - who needs New Year's Resolutions when you have a peer coaching system already in place!

P.S. - As a professional expert coach, I have my own peer coach that I do this with daily at 7a.m. It's a great system I believe in, that works.

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