Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jenny Quits her Job and Gets Attention

How many of us have walked in to work so fed up with the shenanigans that we just wanted to quit? Before I owned my own practice I worked in corporate america, the very industry that Dilbert is based on, and I know this feeling all too well.

I have to admit that Jenny found a way to quit her job and garner so much attention that she will likely end up with a job offer, if not plenty of them, simply by the way she did it. Here's what Jenny sent to her office yesterday via email, rather than walking in for another day of work.

She sent an entire series of pictures telling her story of quitting her job to her 20 or so co-workers. Below is the last in the series of pictures.  Since quitting, Jenny has has 2,655 comments made on the one website that picked up the story and nearly 330,000 facebook people have posted her link to their pages to share with their friends.

Before you read on, I recommend seeing the entire collage of Jenny's style of quitting. It's entertaining, creative and a bit crazy.

Why would a career coach blog about how to quit? 
  1. While it's smart to never burn your bridges, Jenny knew her boss was doing nothing for her or the clients (see farmville slide) and she felt confident leaving this way
  2. Life's too short to be treated poorly, you're an employee - not a hostage
  3. Jenny just informed nearly 400K people that Spencer treats his employees poorly and makes sexual comments about his assistant, without saying a thing or filing a lawsuit - smart girl
  4. She's already got job offers from the blog comments alone
  5. She took action and stood up for herself
The economy may be in a slump but that doesn't mean you have to be a victim to it. Do I recommend leaving your job like this? Not quite.

I do advise taking control of your career and being in charge of where you work and what you do. If you're unhappy, make a choice to do something about it. What you do is a representation of you. What Jenny did is a representation of her and her personality.

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